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How to approve optimized prices

Providing price approvals for the wappier suggested optimizations is an optional step that depends on how involved a client wants to be in the process. There are two main ways a client can receive and review our optimizations:

  • A dedicated CSM will provide you with a .csv file that contains any price changes wappier would like to make through the agreed upon method of communications (slack message, email and so forth).
  • You can review the wappier suggested prices directly from the wappier platform (see below).

① Login to the wappier portal with your credentials

② Go to Global Pricing > Price Updates page


This page contains a table with all the price updates related to the app. This table is sorted by the creation date of price changes and includes the Status of each update i.e., Completed, Rejected, Approved, Failed. At the top of this table, you will be able to view the latest price updates which have not been published yet i.e., Latest Suggestion. These changes need to be Approved or Rejected. Read below to find out how to do that.

③ Download & review price changes

You can download the .csv containing pending price updates. The Approval or Rejection buttons will be available only when the user has downloaded the csv. The .csv contains entries for each SKU and country combination. For each country, the .csv contains the current local price, the new suggested price, and the percentage of change compared to the current.

④ Approve/reject pending price changes

  • Once the user clicks the Approve prices button, a pop up window will appear displaying a message that prices will go live, once accepted, the status will change to Processing. The status will then shortly change to Completed.


 If the Status after the approval is Failed, please contact your wappier Customer Success team for further investigation.

  • If the user clicks the Reject prices button, the prices will not be published, and the status of the price changes will revert to Rejected. There is an option to share notes with the wappier team on the reason behind the rejection.

⑤ Price Changes are published to the live app!

Following approval of proposed prices, expect prices to automatically be published within the next 3-6 hours.